M29 & 325grn. WLNGC | Alaska Outdoors Forums
Jun 4, 2006 · Joined Apr 25, 2006 Messages 641 Reaction score 8 Location foothills of the Brooks Range
What barrel length do you like on your big iron?
Aug 28, 2015 · I had accumulated 3 Super Blackhawks over the last several years and don't need but one. I took them out the other night and shot all three of them about 50 rounds each. It's obvious that the 4 and 5/8 and the 5 and 1/2 inchers shoot better groups with my eyes than the Blackhawk with a 10 and...
Super Blackhawk locking up? | Alaska Outdoors Forums
May 12, 2008 · Hey guys, Went down to shoot my new-to-me super blackhawk in .44 last weekend. Every few shots the base pin would pop loose, causing the cylinder to freeze up. Every time it'd do this I'd have to pop it back in. It would be in tight and by the 3-4 shot it would work itself loose again. Anyone...
Handloading .45 colt and Smith and Wesson | Alaska Outdoors …
Nov 15, 2008 · I have been handloading .45 colt for Rugers and recently bought a S&W in .45 colt...don't want to blow the side plates off the Smith and was wondering what a good trail load for the Smith would be.. maybe not a steady diet, but whats hot for the model 25...? I have been using Unique, 2400 and...
Tarus Tracker 44 or Super BlackHawk | Alaska Outdoors Forums
Dec 26, 2008 · Which would you prefer,its going to be a gift.They shoot handguns well but their biggest is 357 and 45acp.And yes for carrying in the bush.No I won't be...
western style single action revolvers | Alaska Outdoors Forums
Jan 19, 2019 · i'm toying with the idea of getting a western style single action revolver in 45 colt and have some questions i hope someone familiar with them can answer. are all the newer revolvers able to handle higher pressures from more modern loads or are there gonna be makes/models that are restricted to...
Ruger 50th Ann. Flat Top .44 mag | Alaska Outdoors Forums
Feb 29, 2008 · If anybody wants to buy a Ruger 50th Anniversary Flat Top .44 mag, there is a place in Washington State called Double Eagle Pawn who just sold me one offline for $450.00 plus $15.00 shipping to Anchorage. I bought mine for a trail gun, but it is a new in box commmemorative gun. Their daytime #...
The 454 Snyd- Adventures with a 454 Redhawk and Levergun
Apr 19, 2011 · So the goal is to be able to work up a load using these 355gr hammers for the 454 Redhawk and 454 Puma Levergun. No prob with OAL in the Redhawk but they need to cycle with 100% reliability in the Levergun. Loaded in full length 454 brass they won't cycle with this big metplat. In 45 Colt...
Gun needs Identified, help.... | Alaska Outdoors Forums
Jan 13, 2008 · Hi guys and gals, one of the guns that was stolen from my home I need help to identify the name. I bought this .22 revolver pistol from the ADN classifieds about 15yrs ago. Shot about 2 boxes of ammo through it and put it away never to shot it again, so, I can't remember the brand name of it. It...
Looking for a Ruger Bisley.... | Alaska Outdoors Forums
Mar 19, 2012 · I'm looking for a Ruger Bisley in blue as a base gun for a custom. I don't care about caliber as long as it's a large frame Bisley.