Southwest® flights from Tucson to Albuquerque from $143*
Fly one-way from Tucson to Albuquerque starting at $143. Bundle your Southwest Airlines® flight with a hotel or rental car booking and find even more savings.
Tucson to Albuquerque - 9 ways to travel via train, plane, bus, car
The cheapest way to get from Tucson to Albuquerque costs only $100, and the quickest way takes just 5¼ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Albuquerque to Tucson - 8 ways to travel via train, plane, bus, car
The cheapest way to get from Albuquerque to Tucson costs only $99, and the quickest way takes just 5¼ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Bus from Tucson, AZ to Albuquerque, NM - Greyhound
Book your next Greyhound bus from Tucson, AZ to Albuquerque, NM. Get free Wi-Fi & plug outlets on board, extra legroom and 2 pieces of free luggage.
Tucson to Albuquerque, NM - 8 ways to travel via train, bus
The cheapest way to get from Tucson to Albuquerque, NM costs only $100, and the quickest way takes just 6½ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Directions from Albuquerque, NM to Tucson, AZ - MapQuest
Get step-by-step walking or driving directions from Albuquerque, NM to Tucson, AZ. Avoid traffic with optimized routes.
$143 Cheap Flights from Tucson (TUS) to Albuquerque (ABQ)
Cheap Flights from Tucson (TUS) to Albuquerque (ABQ) start at $143 for one-way and $285 for round trip. Earn your airline miles on top of our rewards!
Distance from Albuquerque, NM to Tucson, AZ - Distance …
Albuquerque and Tucson are 7 hours 31 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Albuquerque, NM to Tucson, AZ. The halfway point is Deming, NM. Albuquerque, …
Points of Interest between Albuquerque, New Mexico to Tucson, Arizona
Are you planning a road trip between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Tucson, Arizona? Don't miss out on these top five popular attractions along the way! The route between Albuquerque and …
Road Trip from Tucson to Albuquerque - LazyTrips
Apr 4, 2023 · The 510-mile road trip from Tucson to Albuquerque takes 9 hours to drive, passing Oro Valley, Mount Lemmon, Globe, Show Low, Pinetop-Lakeside, Apache-Sitgreaves National …