Best design for a leaf box on my 1 ton? - Lawn Care Forum
Oct 5, 2009 · Tarp is 12' wide by 20' long to provide plenty of area to wrap the front and around the discharge tube of the leaf vac. Plus, once I have the hardware mounted to the inside, it should take all of 2 minutes to change back and forth, just a matter of bending the pipes into or out of the clamps and removing or pulling the tarp on.
Leaf box ideas, tips, pics, do's & don't | Lawn Care Forum
Aug 9, 2014 · This site gets this question a lot. How to get leaves out of a non dumping truck/trailer. Answers are always the same.....-turn your vacuum around-load handler-pallet stood on end attached to a chain.....drive away-same as above but with a tarp on the ground instead of a pallet Or, Invent something new and sell it
Loading leaves into truck/trailer ... how? | Lawn Care Forum
Oct 28, 2006 · Roger, without a leaf loader/vac, you are already doing everything possible. Reading your post, it brings back nightmares of my first season doing leaves by myself, loading into the back of a 1 ton dump truck using a tarp After that I got a 11 hp billy goat debris loader:drinkup: the only thing and you might already be doing that is when unloading a non-dumping truck or trailer, use spare tire ...
Loading leaves into dump truck - Lawn Care Forum
Jan 2, 2018 · A leaf loader is the way to go. I used to do the tarp thing, there is no way a leaf loader isn't way faster. I can fit 1 to 3 typical cleanups into one dump load, and my truck is small. Buy a powerful leaf loader, like 25 hp. Assign 1 truck and 1 guy to the truck with the leaf loader. Have the other crews work ahead of the vac truck.
Leaf box build and leaf removal question - Lawn Care Forum
Sep 4, 2023 · And there is the leaf Burrito...load about 5 or 6 of these onto your truck. Tie down or tarp your load, and go. Leaf Burrito® - The Year Round Yard Bag - Custom Industrial-Grade Mesh product with zippers for collecting, transporting and removal of leaves, yard debris and dozens of other landscaping tasks and uses!
Best Leaf Removal Setup - Lawn Care Forum
Aug 18, 2006 · We finally built a leaf box with the sides covered and used a mesh truck tarp for the top and I didnt think it would work, but it works great. The secret is getting the air out of the box. Now they mulch the yard up with meg-mos then …
Unloading truck leaf box - Lawn Care Forum
Nov 16, 2003 · A1, I'm not only in a "similar" situation, I'm in the EXACT same situation. I also have a a leaf box on the truck and will be using an 11hp loader to fill it, and a Loadhandler to unload it. I just finished the leaf box tonight. And the whole time I was saying to my wife (extra pair of hands) "I sure hope this LoadHandler thing works!!".
Building a Leaf Vac System for Truck - Lawn Care Forum
Jan 13, 2013 · That Pete is awesome!! I bet the cost of operation makes you squirm a bit tho... The leaf vac set up I use is a 16 hp skid mounted lesco wit the 10" by 10' loader hose. If I had that to do over, I would have opted for a bigger unit. something in the 30 hp range maybe. I definitely like the loader mounted to the truck, rather than trailer units.
Leaf box for 6 foot truck bed - Lawn Care Forum
Sep 20, 2012 · Now I am considering putting a dump insert in the truck and building something to that. I know they make pre fabricated leaf boxes, but they are too over priced. I may talk to the local weld/fab shop to see if they can make a box for me to fit onto my dump insert that much cheaper than say the truck craft leaf box.
Truck loader / leaf vac / debris loader | Lawn Care Forum
Oct 4, 2020 · I was hoping to find something used this past spring through summer but haven’t seen anything worthwhile. So now I have to start considering buying new or wait till after leaf season and hope I can find a good used machine. Just doing some research last night and stumbled upon a Land Shark 18hp Vanguard sold by SLE equipment in Tennessee.