The simplest way to increase your subscriber count comes from asking viewers to subscribe. Data from YouTube shows that ...
Kotak e-Term Plan is a flexible and affordable term insurance plan from Kotak Life Insurance that provides extensive coverage ...
2. Percentage-Based Room Rent Limit: Many health insurance plans set the room rent cap as a percentage of the sum insured.
Assessment And Exemption of Income of University, Educational Institution, Hospital or Medical Institution ...
Conclusion: Charging tolls on bad roads was unfair and ordered an 80% reduction in toll fees at 2 key toll plazas as tolls were meant to provide good-quality roads, and if the roads were damaged, ...
Conclusion: Revision order issued by PCIT was quashed against Make My Trip (India) Private Limited as AO had conducted a proper inquiry before allowing the deduction of Employee Stock Option Plan ...
During the hearing, the counsel representing DGST assured the court that the refund application would be processed expeditiously, preferably within three weeks, subject to verification of facts. The ...
Truth Fashion, a proprietorship owned by Ms. Sadia, filed a writ petition in the Delhi High Court seeking enforcement of an earlier order directing the release of a GST refund of ₹18.33 lakh. The ...
The appellant is an Irrevocable Private Discretionary Trust formed under the Indian Trust Act, 1882. The tax liability of the Appellant is computed at the maximum marginal rate in accordance with the ...
2. Without prejudice, even if such surcharge was applicable, the same can be levied only where the income of the assessee exceeds Rs. 50,00,000. In the present case since the assessee’s income was ...
Challenging this decision, the assessee argued that while the maximum marginal rate (MMR) applies, the surcharge should only be levied as per the Finance Act, which explicitly states that surcharge is ...
3. The learned Standing Counsel relied on Circular No.37 / 2018 – Customs dated 09.10.2018 which states that if duty drawback is claimed, refund of IGST amount cannot be sought. Paragraph Nos.2.4, 2.5 ...