Ink stamps can be fun to make and use, and 3D printers are uniquely positioned to create quality stamps of all kinds with ...
The chances are that many of you will have made an FM “bug” style transmitter, a simple one-transistor oscillator usually ...
Photographic accessories are often plagued by high prices, as photography is considered a rich man’s game. It doesn’t have to ...
The ESP32 series of microcontrollers have been with us for quite a few years now, providing a powerful processor and wireless connectivity for not a huge outlay. We’ve seen a bunch of ...
AI to control a virtual computer (in this case, Anthropic’s Claude Computer Use) is made to download and execute a piece of malware that successfully connects to a command and control (C2) server.
Handhelds are designed to be portable, but what if you need something smaller than OEM? The Steam Brick pulls basically ...
Have you ever struggled with the concept of quantum measurement, feeling it’s unnecessarily abstract? You’re not alone. Enter this guide by [Mithuna] from Looking Glass Universe, where she circles ...
Just when you think you’ve learned all the latest 3D printing tricks, [TenTech] shows up with an update to their Fuzzyficator ...
One of the more popular activities in the ham radio world is DXing, which is attempting to communicate with radio stations as ...
Everyone knows that the perfect capacitor to decouple the power rails around ICs is a 100 nF ceramic capacitor or equivalent, ...
The bike conversion is relatively conventional with the crank replaced by a crank and motor assembly, and a pair of the Ryobi packs in 3D-printed holders on the frame. The value in this is in its ...
At some point, the 3.6 V of a single lithium ion battery just won’t do, and you’ll absolutely want to stack LiIon cells in series. When you need high power, you’ve either got to increase ...