Our group has been pioneering the understanding of phloem development and vascular meristem, (pro)cambial, function in plants. Using the information derived from analysis of Arabidopsis phloem ...
Fig 1. Arabidopsis root tip depicting position of phloem cells running the length of the root. To be republished only in reference to the original Science article and news release.
Our group is studying the development of vascular cambium by using Arabidopsis thaliana root as a model. Vascular cambium produces xylem (wood) and phloem, and together with the cork cambium, which ...
In a mature flowering plant or tree, most of the cells that make up the xylem are specialised cells called vessels.
Phloem Sieve tubes Transport products of photosynthesis, including sugars and amino acids, from the leaf to where they are needed. Companion cells Provide the energy required for transporting ...