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Insgesamt setzte Roche im vergangenen Jahr 60,5 Milliarden Franken um, ein Plus von 3 Prozent, wie der Konzern am Donnerstag mitteilte. Zu konstanten Wechselkursen ergab sich ein Zuwachs von 7 ...
Auch Roche-Chef Thomas Schinecker überwacht die Verkäufe mit Argusaugen. Bei grösseren Abweichungen nach unten oder oben fragt er nach den Gründen. Das zahlt sich aus: Roche hat 2024 ein ...
Swiss studio Herzog & de Meuron has created the Pharma Research and Early Development Centre in Basel, as part of a wider campus it has masterplanned for pharmaceutical company Roche. Unveiled in 2014 ...
After an evening of performances, and once the judges and the audience watching at home had cast their votes, Yuval Raphael emerged as the winner, taking that sought-after victory - and the ticket to ...
I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would see that in my life.” Roche headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. Hoffmann’s family is not involved as operational managers, but instead exerts pressure ...
The Bank of England pushed the application of Basel 3.1 by one year to the start of 2027 citing “the current uncertainty around the timing” of the standards in the US. The decision also ...
The standards written by the global Basel Committee are the final set of international reforms designed to make the banking system safer after the 2008 global financial crisis, and are meant to be ...
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