Bharatiya Janata Party's candidate from Karawal Nagar constituency, Kapil Mishra said that the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections are an "election for change" while claiming an "anti-incumbency wave" ...
Congress is holding a massive 'Jai Bapu, Jai Bhim, Jai Samvidhan' rally at the birthplace of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar in Indore's Mhow on Monday in which prominent Congress leaders across the country are ...
The incident occurred in the Jeppinamogaru area of Mangaluru. Fire tenders have reached the spot to take stock of the situation and carry out the operation to douse fire. Currently, the cause of the ...
Responding to the allegations made by Congress General Secretary in charge of Communications, Jairam Ramesh, North West Delhi DM said that the Flying Squad Teams (FST) and election staff are ...