When does the golden rule of semiconductor scaling finally break? How small can a transistor be? And what in the world is ...
Back in the 1960s, it seemed like better communications could solve all our problems. Don’t blame the technology for the ...
At the time that the iAPX 432 (originally the 8800) project was proposed, Gordon Moore was CEO of Intel ... where the iAPX 432 would have taken the computer world by storm, rather than x86.
When Gordon Moore began working at Shockley Semiconductor ... the largest silicon chip manufacturing company around, but he also has a computer rule of thumb named after him.
The ease with which Intel was brought into existence was in large part due to the stature of Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore – Noyce being largely credited with the co-invention of the integrated ...
Major technological breakthroughs can, over time, create trillions in shareholder value. Quantum computing looks like one ...
This law, coined by Intel and Fairchild founder [Gordon Moore] has been a truism since ... One could hope that the results are an anomaly and that computer vendors will soon return to robust ...
We often hear of senior tech industry execs drawing an analogy between the tech sector and automotive manufacturing. Basically, if car development followed the same rules as the tech sector, by now ...
Named for Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, Moore’s Law is the observation ... The amount of RAM your console or computer needs has basically stopped rising. Device scaling has slowed down a ...