Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of ...
A nearly century-old offshoot of Einstein’s general theory of relativity may hold promise for solving the mysteries of dark ...
If gravity arises from entropy, scientists could unite Einstein's general relativity with the quantum realm while shedding ...
A new theory suggests that gravity could possibly be the result of entropy. If true, this would mean that everything in the ...
Several physicists have proposed theories that try to unite quantum mechanics with Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
In a new study published in Physical Review D, Professor Ginestra Bianconi, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Queen Mary ...
Physics has a problem—their key models of quantum theory and the theory of relativity do not fit together. Now, Dr. Wolfgang Wieland from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is ...
In a new book release, two scientists combine forces to explain the discoveries, developments and theories made in the realm ...
he published the general theory of relativity. In it, he suggested that gravity is not a force, as Newton had believed, but the result of a curvature of the space-time continuum -- the four ...
Gravitational physicists explore the implications of the general theory of relativity, in which gravitation is a consequence of the curvature of space and time. This curvature thus controls the motion ...
By modifying Einstein's theory of general relativity, the center of a black hole with infinite curvature could be replaced by a highly curved but regular region of space-time, the researchers ...