After the Tampa Bay Rays made a startling if unsurprising decision about their future in St. Petersburg on Thursday, the city ...
Before Pat Williams passed away last summer, this was his vision when he started the drive to bring baseball to Orlando six ...
As I predicted,” the mayor said, “the Florida Bar dismissed the complaint almost as fast as Ken Russell could file to run for ...
Weighted with symbolism though it may be, the brief absence of a mayor would not significantly affect the city’s operations ...
Miami-Dade County stands to lose more than 81% of its countywide tax revenue if Florida lawmakers decide to phase out ...
With all precincts reporting, Rebecca Shelton secured 56% of the vote, earning the right to succeed Mayor Ty Penserga, who ...
Under city code, the city manager is responsible for hiring and firing unelected staff, and the City Council is forbidden from interfering.